Integrated Health Magazine

During the COVID-19 pandemic people began to develop an interest in their personal wellness like never before. Individuals are now taking their healthcare into their own hands and are no longer willing to go to a doctor with a one-dimensional approach.

For over 25 years, Dr. Nancy Gaines-Dillard DNP-BC has advocated this integrated approach, first in her decades in the ER and trauma units of hospitals in Pennsylvania and Arizona, and then in her private practice, Dr. Nancy’s Integrative Medicine with two locations in Phoenix.

“Simply writing a prescription for many conditions does an injustice to the patient,” said Gaines-Dillard. “I offer customized care and alternative treatments. A big part of what I do is educating the patient, and their active participation in their care is a key part of the program.”

With people more interested in wellness this philosophy is resonating with her patients. People are more open than ever to exploring options outside of pharmaceuticals.

In her practice Gaines-Dillard treats physical health diagnoses and mild to moderate mental health conditions. She also offers programs for smoking cessation, weight-loss, anti-aging and better sleep. Her diverse offerings are unique for an integrated family physician. Her mission is simply to treat whatever ails the patient in a holistic way and collaborate with specialty physicians to treat the patient as a whole.  

A challenge in the American healthcare system is the rising cost of insurance. To help the community solve this problem, Gaines-Dillard offers NG Cares memberships for both individuals and groups this allows small business to offer their employees quality medical care at affordable prices.  “It’s local business supporting local business,” she said. “It’s a win for everyone.”

To improve treatment outcomes, Gaines-Dillard developed NG Cares, a plant-based medical line with products designed to help a variety of conditions. They are dispensed based on an individual analysis of a patient’s body chemistry and DNA. There are products to regulate blood sugar, sleep and the adrenal system, as well as options that help promote weight loss. The entire NG Cares line is all natural, GMO-free, and compounded with no perfumes, dyes, or parabens.

Giving back to the community is a cause that Gaines-Dillard is passionate about. She founded the Family Matters Healthcare Foundation that supports diverse causes from community healthcare to women’s issues and afterschool programs. Gaines-Dillard also created Dr. Nancy’s Medical Training Academy, which focuses on teaching life saving CPR to community members.

Her patients know her as a personal, friendly, patient-centric physician and through her show, Dr. Nancy Knows, the community at large is getting to know this dynamic, passionate physician who is out to improve the health and wellness of the Phoenix community.