Chiropractic Care

Womens Fitness Magazine* highlights there are seven reasons you may want to visit a chiropractor.

  • Helps headaches, tension and migraines
  • Treats back and neck pain
  • Helps improve poor sleep quality and prevent fatigue
  • Improves athletic performance
  • Treats injuries due to car accidents
  • Helps deal with stress
  • Can relieve tingling

NG Cares Healthcare Membership Plans include 12 chiropractic visits per plan year in partnership with Ally Spine Center in Scottsdale, Arizona. Chiropractic care is included in NG Cares plans. There is zero co-pay and zero deductible in the current 2021 plans!

Dr. Nancy’s Integrative Medicine offers business owners and individual health membership packages because good health is for everyone.

At Dr Nancy’s Integrative Medicine we’re committed to making preventative care available to everyone.

*Women’s Fitness Magazine, Sept 2019 Article