Polo Classic: From the Inside

Saturday, Nov 21st Dr. Nancy Knows welcomes Jailyn Despain and Maggie Giron to the show.

Scottsdale hosted it’s annual Stella Artois Polo Classic recently. Dr. Nancy Knows and staff were at the event offering some of Dr. Nancy’s Integrative Medicine services and broadcasting throughout the day.

Jailyn and Maggie are team members you’ll meet around Dr. Nancy’s Integrative Medicine. Jailyn Despain serves as the Director of First Impressions. Maggie Giron is a Certified Makeup Artist. During the show these professionals will chat with Dr. Nancy about the Polo Classic event, the sport and give their unique behind the scene’s insights.

Join Dr. Nancy’s Knows live stream or watch the replay to catch Dr Nancy’s conversation with Jailyn, Maggie along with co-host Gloria Guerra.